Ancient yoga practice to improve positive wellbeing
Union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit Yoga
Unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul
8 Limbs of Yoga
Yama - Moral disciplines or moral vows (things you do)
Niyama - Positive duties or observations/observances (things you do)
Asana - Posture (things you do)
Pranayama - Breathing techniques (things you do)
Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal (things you do)
Dharana - Focused concentration (things you do)
Dhyana - Meditative absorption (things that happen to you)
Samadhi - Bliss or enlightenment (things that happen to you)
Three Types of Nadies (Energy channels)
PINGLA - Sun principals, heat, right nostril, sympathetic nervous system
IDA - Moon principals, cooling effect, left nostril, parasympathetic nervous system
SUSUMANA - Central nervous system, balancing state of mind
Few More Benefits of Yoga
Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
Poses Practiced
Surya Namaskar (Standing)
Trikonasana (Standing)
Better to hold yoga poses - More benefits (Standing)
Parivar Trikonasana (Standing)
Vrikshasana/ Tree pose (Standing)
Janushirasana (Sitting)
Paschimottanasana (Sitting)
Bhujangasana (Floor)
Shalabhasana (Floor)
Dhanurasana (Floor)
Naukasana (Floor)
Markatasana/ Lumbar twist