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  • Writer's pictureSarah Rodriguez

Notes on YOGA - 08.06.19

  • Ancient yoga practice to improve positive wellbeing

    • Union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit Yoga

    • Unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul

8 Limbs of Yoga

  • Yama - Moral disciplines or moral vows (things you do)

  • Niyama - Positive duties or observations/observances (things you do)

  • Asana - Posture (things you do)

  • Pranayama - Breathing techniques (things you do)

  • Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal (things you do)

  • Dharana - Focused concentration (things you do)

  • Dhyana - Meditative absorption (things that happen to you)

  • Samadhi - Bliss or enlightenment (things that happen to you)

Three Types of Nadies (Energy channels)

  • PINGLA - Sun principals, heat, right nostril, sympathetic nervous system

  • IDA - Moon principals, cooling effect, left nostril, parasympathetic nervous system

  • SUSUMANA - Central nervous system, balancing state of mind

Few More Benefits of Yoga

  • Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium

  • Respiratory

Poses Practiced

  • Surya Namaskar (Standing)

  • Trikonasana (Standing)

    • Better to hold yoga poses - More benefits (Standing)

      • Parivar Trikonasana (Standing)

      • Vrikshasana/ Tree pose (Standing)

      • Janushirasana (Sitting)

      • Paschimottanasana (Sitting)

      • Bhujangasana (Floor)

      • Shalabhasana (Floor)

      • Dhanurasana (Floor)

      • Naukasana (Floor)

      • Markatasana/ Lumbar twist

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