Down to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix
Rating: 10/10
This is the fifth episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin around the world as they search for healthy and sustainable ways to live. This episode focuses on biopiracy, cryopreservation, and genetic engineering of our food supply. From the Big Apple to an apple orchard, Zac and Darin are on another adventure chasing superfoods. From food sources to the table, and then back to the local market, superfoods can be found everywhere. Overall, I loved this episode and I think that it is really important for everyone to think more about what they are eating and where it is coming from.
Fast Facts
Apples were not originally from North America, they originated from Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Biodiversity - The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
Apples are packed with vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients such as C, E, B3, B6, B2, B1, A, Ba, K, Zn, Fe, Na, Mg, Ca, and P
Apples can promote skin health, aid in weight loss, and brain boosting antioxidants
America used apples for cider before consuming them as food
Peru holds about 70% of Earth's species
Potatoes are a superfood, they contain all 9 essential amino acids, and satisfy hunger
Just a few degrees can affect a crop in a significant way
Antioxidants - A substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism
Biopiracy - Taking the real raw plants out of the country (which is illegal) and growing them illegally in other countries such as China
The Chinese made Peruvian Maca is a genetically modified version grown with pesticides and poor growing conditions, it does not have the same health benefits or nutritional properties
Real Peruvian Maca increases energy, boosts immunity, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, amino acids, improves memory, balances hormones, and enhances stamina
Chef Virgillio Martinez Veliz cooks with food from one region, one ecosystem, and one altitude - He is currently ranked #6 of the World's 50 Best Restaurants
Locally sourcing your food is good for you and the community because the second that produce is harvested it begins to lose nutritional value, up to 30% in the first three days
Zac and Darin tried Oca Tart, Fennel, Muna Leaves, and Local Flowers from the Andean Mountains which was at the elevation average of 11,483 feet
Diaphragmatic breathing increases oxygen levels, improves blood flow, increases energy, and improves posture
Places to Visit
Angry Orchards, Walden, New York
Lima, Peru
Central (Restaurant), Lima, Peru
Chilca, Peru (38 miles south of Lima) - Sand Surfing
What I Learned
Success without purpose, is a meaningless life
A key to healthy sustainable eating is knowing what you are eating, where it came from, and who grew it
While you may feel full from a McDonalds meal, you are nutrient starved
Deserts are increasing and our food supply is decreasing as Earth slowly burns up, and while this might not happen during our lifetime it is important to take steps now to prepare for the future