Sarah RodriguezAug 13, 20202 min readIquitosDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 9/10 Summary This is the last episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 10, 20202 min readLondonDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 9/10 Summary This is the seventh episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 9, 20202 min readPuerto RicoDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 8/10 Summary This is the sixth episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 8, 20202 min readLimaDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 10/10 Summary This is the fifth episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 7, 20202 min readSardiniaDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 9/10 Summary This is the fourth episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 6, 20202 min readCosta RicaDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 8/10 Summary This is the third episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 5, 20202 min readFranceDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 10/10 Summary This is the second episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...
Sarah RodriguezAug 4, 20203 min readIcelandDown to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix Rating: 10/10 Summary This is the first episode in the series. The series follows Zac and Darin...